Thanks for the prompt reply response inline. I'm still having issues even though I've changed some code based on your advice. On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz <> wrote:
On Aug 19, 2011, at 12:42 AM, Stephan wrote:
I'm attempting to spawn xvfb with firefox using twisted's spawnProcess.
I'm having two issues:
1) when I call a normal process (not xvfb) it seems to work, but when I call xvfb the process goes defunct
Defunct processes have exited, but not been reaped. In older versions of Twisted, this might happen if some other library were competing to register the SIGCHLD signal. What version of Twisted are you using?
I'm using the latest version (I installed it today). 11.0.0 on an ubuntu machine
2) perhaps because it goes defunct but the timeout I set in place in the processprotocol does not trigger.
It should never go defunct, whether or not your timeout triggers.
I agree, I can't figure out why it's going defunct.
============== here is the code for spawning a process ============== 108 command = ["/usr/bin/xvfb-run", "--auto-servernum", "/usr/bin/firefox", "-P", profile_id] 109 subprocess = reactor.spawnProcess(TimedProcessProtocol(20), 110 command[0], command) 111 logging.debug(type(subprocess)) 112 logging.debug("spawned a process: pid: %d", 113 114 # this file will be created when firefox starts 115 while (not os.path.exists(self.profile_dir + "/importantfile")): 116 logging.debug("in while loop waiting for firesharkReady file to exist") 117 pass
You should really not busy-loop like this waiting for the subprocess. Have a repeating callLater (or LoopingCall) that does this check cooperatively with the reactor, so if something goes wrong (for example: firefox fails to launch), you'll be able to react to it effectively rather than just hanging your Twisted process forever. If firefox isn't actually starting correctly, or that file doesn't actually get created for some reason, this could cause the defunct process.
I agree with your point, I've changed it a bit (see the code at the bottom) I'm not sure if this is correct or not.
118 119 logging.debug("file exist")
============== here is the process class ==============
27 class TimedProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol): 28 29 def __init__(self, timeout): 30 self.timeout = timeout 31 32 def connectionMade(self): 33 logging.debug("connection made timeout = %d", self.timeout) 34 @defer.inlineCallbacks 35 def killIfAlive(): 36 logging.debug("timeout reached - killing process") 37 try: 38 yield self.transport.signalProcess('KILL') 39 except error.ProcessExitedAlready: 40 logging.debug("process already exited") 41 pass 42 43 d = reactor.callLater(self.timeout, killIfAlive) 44 45 def outReceived(self, data): 46 logging.debug("output: %s", data) 47 48 def errReceived(self, data): 49 logging.debug("errReceived %s", data)
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============ new code (still does not work) ============= 108 profile_id = self.profile['name'] 109 command = ["/usr/bin/xvfb-run", "--auto-servernum", "/usr/bin/firefox", "-P", profile_id] 110 subprocess = reactor.spawnProcess(TimedProcessProtocol(20), 111 command[0], command) 112 logging.debug(type(subprocess)) 113 logging.debug("spawned a process: pid: %d", 114 115 lc = LoopingCall(self.check_if_file) 116 self.check = lc 117 lc.start(0.5) 118 119 def check_if_file(self): 120 if os.path.exists(self.fireshark_profile_dir + "/firesharkReady"): 121 logging.debug("firesharkReady file to exist") 122 self.check.stop() ============ new code (log) ============= 478C0-CA07-11E0-B595-E88E810DE385 2011-08-18 22:06:58,038 DEBUG:FirefoxProcess run called 2011-08-18 22:06:58,038 DEBUG:intialize firefox files 2011-08-18 22:06:58,040 DEBUG:connection made timeout = 20 2011-08-18 22:06:58,041 DEBUG:<class 'twisted.internet.process.Process'> 2011-08-18 22:06:58,041 DEBUG:spawned a process: pid: 30562 2011-08-18 22:07:01,374 DEBUG:inConnectionLost 2011-08-18 22:07:01,374 DEBUG:errConnectionLost 2011-08-18 22:07:01,375 DEBUG:process exited, status 1 ======================= this time the xvfb process did not go defunct but it did exit, which shouldn't really happen, firefox should just stay open really.