On 01:45 pm, iacovou@gmail.com wrote:
Would a patch posted as a trac ticket be acceptable? I searched trac for 'event' and couldn't find anything resembling this. What would the unit test requirements be for a change like this be?
While I'm not sure I read this message thoroughly enough to be sure, I think it sounds okay. Definitely putting a patch on a trac ticket is the right way to get started. You may have noticed JavaScript unit tests lying around in our various codebases. A good example of some pretty thorough unit testing is in Mantissa.Test.TestRegionModel. You'd need to add coverage for your event handler stuff that used these tests and ran under trial. Some other test examples, that will be even closer to the feature you are trying to implement, are in Nevow.Test.TestWidget.WidgetTests.test_connectDOMEvent*.