A small getPage problem accessing localhost on Vista

Dear Twistonistas, I am using 10.0.0 for 2.5 on a Vista Home 'Premium' (yes, yes, I know). I am accessing some page with getPage(certain_url,method='GET'). Accessing works for non-local urls. Accessing does not work for "http://localhost:8080/..." - windows error 10061: connection refused (abbreviated from partially localized error message). This propably sounds like a firewall problem, but all three firewall profiles disabled, only the 'native' windows vista firewall installed, so it shouldn't be one, I hope. When using a synchronous urllib.urlopen('http://localhost:8080/...') / read() pair, it works. This makes me nervous somehow, I must admit. Perhaps you have any hint / idea what the problem might be? This would be most welcome! Btw.: The line " localhost" is in the host file in \Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Thank you very much in advance! Jannico -- GRATIS für alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT! Jetzt freischalten unter http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/maxdome01

On 1 Jun, 10:16 pm, jannico@gmx.de wrote:
Dear Twistonistas,
I am using 10.0.0 for 2.5 on a Vista Home 'Premium' (yes, yes, I know).
I am accessing some page with getPage(certain_url,method='GET').
Accessing works for non-local urls. Accessing does not work for "http://localhost:8080/..." - windows error 10061: connection refused (abbreviated from partially localized error message).
This propably sounds like a firewall problem, but all three firewall profiles disabled, only the 'native' windows vista firewall installed, so it shouldn't be one, I hope.
When using a synchronous urllib.urlopen('http://localhost:8080/...') / read() pair, it works.
This makes me nervous somehow, I must admit. Perhaps you have any hint / idea what the problem might be? This would be most welcome!
Btw.: The line " localhost" is in the host file in \Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
Thank you very much in advance!
Sorry, I don't have anything to suggest. I hope that when you figure this out, though, you'll let us know what the problem was, and if necessary file a ticket in the issue tracker. Jean-Paul
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