Hi, Experimenting with forms in an Athena app. Have a web page with 2 panes (<div>s). Want to avoid page refresh. Started with own test code, like class LeftPane(athena.LiveFragment): def testPlainSubmitForm(self): f = form('formTest', 'Plain submit form', [T.textarea(name='textarea')['testing a plain form']], ['',], 'submit_form') self.callRemote('push_html_to_pane', f, u'rightPane') athena.expose(testPlainSubmitForm) This shows the form ok, but I get in trouble retrieving its data on submit. Trying to benefit from formless felt like a better idea, with the assumption that I could somehow catch the submit by subclassing nevow.rend.FreeformChildMixin, or something. My code would also do request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) request.code = 204 request.code_message = 'No Change' request.finish() to avoid a refresh. So, building on http://divmod.org/trac/attachment/wiki/DivmodNevow/FormHandling/Example1.1.t... (q.v.), _except its last 2 lines_. My code now looks like - class LeftPane(athena.LiveFragment): def testFormLess(self): self.callRemote('push_html_to_pane', NewsEditPage(store=store), u'rightPane') athena.expose(testFormLess) Now I get an error in nevow.context.WebContext.locate - exceptions.KeyError: 'Interface formless.iformless.IConfigurableFactory was not remembered.' ..which I think comes from not using nevow.appserver.NevowSite, which would tack on the relevant context. (Of course, NevowSite is used in my "main class" - what I'm trying to do is "sneaking out of my code" - fetching user input - "getting back where I was".) Can't say I understand all that's going on, but I'm trying :) So, questions, por favor - Is this a good idea at all? Is it doable? Can I "attach a proper context" to that form, and how? (Gee, I don't even know how to phrase it correctly :( ) Thanks, k
participants (1)
Harald Blåtand