Hello: I have found a problem with the multiple selection in the select box component. I only can receive the last item that I has choosen. I'm working with html templates plus the nevow files, and I don't know how to received all the selection that I have clicked in my form. Here there is a part of my code. Can anybody help me? Thank. user.html ---------------- <select multiple="true" name="groups" size="8" nevow:data="selectgroups" nevow:render="sequence"> <option nevow:pattern="item" nevow:render="selectgroups"> <nevow:attr name="value"><nevow:slot name="value" /></nevow:attr> <nevow:slot name="label">select...</nevow:slot> </option> </select> user.py ------------- def executeAddUser(self, ctx): """Execute the process for add a new user""" session = ctx.locate(inevow.ISession) login = ctx.arg('login') passwd = ctx.arg('passwd') firstname = ctx.arg('firstname') lastname = ctx.arg('lastname') email = ctx.arg('email') groups = ctx.arg('groups') print "Groups" + str(groups) if session.da.addUser(login, passwd, firstname, lastname, email, groups): session.msg = 'User add succefully!' session.prevurl = 'ugp' else: session.msg = "Error adding user!" session.prevurl = 'userdetails' return 'displaymsg'
participants (1)
Alberto Trujillo