Two changes to
1) get rid of 'logError' as default errback. Tv complained about this,
and I agree that it's silly -- logging should happen at the end of the
chain, not at random points during the execution. instead of using
'logError', it now just uses (lambda x: x).
2) Get rid of old PB compatibility thing. We had a check for StringType
in the result of a call/errback, because PB errors used to be strings.
They're not any more. I committed the Failure patch months ago ;-)
And one …
[View More]more thing that I propose, but that's not in this patch:
Enforcing the arguments to errbacks to be Failures. Very confusing
things may happen if you pass something other than a Failure to an
errback, and besides, passing something other than a Failure is like
using 'raise "string"' rather than 'raise MyError("string")'.
Here's the patch:
Index: twisted/internet/
RCS file: /cvs/Twisted/twisted/internet/,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -r1.12
--- twisted/internet/ 24 Jul 2002 19:04:56 -0000 1.12
+++ twisted/internet/ 1 Aug 2002 00:42:15 -0000
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
These will be executed when the 'master' callback is run.
cbs = ((callback, callbackArgs, callbackKeywords),
- (errback or logError, errbackArgs, errbackKeywords))
+ (errback or (lambda x: x), errbackArgs, errbackKeywords))
if self.default:
self.callbacks[-1] = cbs
@@ -228,14 +228,8 @@
- if type(self.result) != types.StringType:
- # TODO: make this hack go away; it has something to do
- # with PB returning strings from errbacks that are
- # actually tracebacks that we still want to handle as
- # errors sometimes... can't find exactly where right
- # now
- if not isinstance(self.result, failure.Failure):
- self.isError = 0
+ if not isinstance(self.result, failure.Failure):
+ self.isError = 0
self.result = failure.Failure()
self.isError = 1
Chris Armstrong
<< radix(a) >>
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