I am plannig to upgrade twisted's buildbot in the near future. In
preperation for that, I am going to take down the production buildbot
on Tuesday, June 26, around 1600 UTC[1].
During that time, the result of any builds done will be lost. Thus, I'd
ask that people avoid committing to trunk during that time.
I will send a reminder before I take down the buildbot both here, and on
#twisted and #twisted-dev.
[1] http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20120626&p1=80&p2=22…
hi there, folks:
I'd really like to release 0.7.0 but I would like it to be at least a
little bit tested before I do so. Could those of you with CVS trees check
everything out and see if it performs as advertised? Deeper bugs than
that will have to wait for the next release, but I'd at least like to know
if it works for someone other than me.
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@ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m