Dec. 27, 2005
1:23 p.m.
On 12/28/05, Thomas HERVE <therve@free.fr> wrote:
Great news ! We may finally enjoy 2.3 optimizations in Twisted : I think about string module, list comprehensions, optparse, new style classes... without introducing changes (just syntaxic/optimization changes).
Wow man, where have you been? The string module has been mostly obsolete since (I think) 2.0, and the list comps and new style classes were already in Python 2.2. I can't remember about optparse; all Twisted code uses twisted.python.usage. -- Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery Radix | -- http://radix.twistedmatrix.com | Release Manager, Twisted Project \\\V/// | -- http://twistedmatrix.com |o O| | w----v----w-+