Twisted once u get a grip on it sure is pretty impressive. I used twisted to forward UDP packets as a relay. Take one UDP packet and then retrans it to many other clients. On a FreeBSD box P3 750 the delay in retrans on packet to like 5 clients was less then 1ms which was very impressive. In using twisted i know the reactor is broken in wxpython. What would happen if u ran a normal reactor in a seperate thread, and then passed the info from twisted into wxpython using an event handler similar to the wxpython thread demo ?? The only problem with that is i can not see how u would pass info from wxpython back into twisted. Hmmmm maybe if u made a queue, and then passed the commands onto a queue and then the reactor would pull them off. Something to ponder :). Solution on ActiveState cookbook will work, but i do not like timers. The idea behind deferred is intresting. The defered call back does not seem to fire until it is added. How the heck does that work ? I am refering to the database example. Hmmmm not really important but kinda neat. def getAge(user): return dbpool.runQuery("SELECT age FROM users WHERE name = ?", user) def printResult(l): if l: print l[0][0], "years old" else: print "No such user" d=getAge("joe") d.addCallback(printResult) like here d is the function getAge. My gut instict tell me the moment I call getAge the database query should be run. But yet it is not run till u add the callback. and if i add an errorback after it, it is not run till it has been added also, I can not see how it works :)). Hmmmm must be part of the magic :)) Starting to look into woven. Basic examples are impressive. It is a real object oriented web design. In the sandbox on CVS in the directory glyph there is an example on forms. I am unable to get it to work. It runs but eveytime I try and make it work I get in my browser the error no such child resource. I guess I have to keep pluggin away at it :). My limited experience shows i need to change my thinking, since twisted is not a "API" system like PHP, but more of a framework. Maybe it would help if i drank a bottle of vodka first :) I guess the only complaint i have about twisted is lack of woven examples, like for forms and guard. But heya it is opensource and free, so if i do not like it I can use some crappy comercial product :)). Anyways Twisted is really cool. A lot of it seems to be very magical :). Pondering whether I should get rid of my apache server and run a twisted one :)). Anyway this is the crap i ramble off at 4 am :) Just basically wanted to say twisted is cool.