On Thu, 4 May 2017 at 01:21 jonathan vanasco <twisted-python@2xlp.com> wrote:
Is anyone deploying their twisted services with something other than Supervisor? If so, I'd love to know.
It sounds like systemd has what you want here, and should work fine for your Twisted services, assuming you don't have other constraints that exclude its use. systemctl stop <service> will temporarily stop a service, but it will be restarted on boot if it was configured to do so. However, you can do systemctl disable --now <service> which will remove the configuration to start it on boot as well as stopping it. To reverse this, you would do systemctl enable --now <service> which would reenable it and start it. This is basically doing the same as you were doing with supervisord, but since you can combine the operations into a single command, you don't have to worry about forgetting to do half of the process.