Egor Cheshkov <egor@iplus.ru> writes:
Itamar Shtull-Trauring ?????:
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:58:29 +0400 Egor Cheshkov <egor@iplus.ru> wrote:
Hello! Suppose I run task in worker thread (e.g. database transaction)
and I need to do some IO (PB call) and get the result from it during transaction. Since I run not in reactor's thread it's ok to block and wait for the result. I know that there is callFromThread but it never return any result. Is it possible to implement something like callFromThread that can block, wait for result and return it?
As documented in the threading howto, you can use twisted.internet.threads.deferToThread.
If I understand right, I should use deferToThread to shedule long running task from main thread (that running event loop), i need different thing. I need to shedule a method to be run in the main event loop from another thread. It is the thing that callFromThread does, but callFromThread does not return anything. I need to get result from such call. Is it possible?
Can't you pass yourself and have the method that you pass to callFromThread callback on a method on yourself with the results?