
I am looking for the followings:
* Force twisted.web to set session cookie as secured when HTTPS is used.
* Allow 2 separate twisted.web Sites to run on same host/IP but with different sessions.

I have checked the current code for getSession() [1] but i can see that session cookie is harcoded and I don't know how to use self.sitepath .

I tried to search the code for sitepath, but I only got this comment, which I things is used to suppport some some sort of load balancing / high availability.

# Sitepath is used to determine cookie names between distributed
# servers and disconnected sites.

Can this be done with current code?

If not, I am happy to submit a ticket and a patch.

To solve my problems I rewrote getSession to not use harcoded session name and to check for self.isSecure before setting a new session cookie.

Many thanks!

[1] https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/trunk/twisted/web/server.py#L384
Adi Roiban