From: Itamar Shtull-Trauring <twisted@itamarst.org> Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 19:18:45 +0300
If you do reactor.listenTCP on a factory, startFactory and stopFactory are never called. I therefore suggest that we add methods doStart and doStop to protocol.Factory, like so, and have them called in listenTCP/UDP/SSL, and remove calls to start/stopFactory from app.Appliecation:
Thanks. I knew this was a problem but didn't know how to confront it; this looks like a logical encapsulation, parallel to doRead/doWrite... perhaps doStart and doStop could also take information about the port being listened on as an argument. (doListen/doUnlisten maybe?) -- | <`'> | Glyph Lefkowitz: Travelling Sorcerer | | < _/ > | Lead Developer, the Twisted project | | < ___/ > | http://www.twistedmatrix.com |