On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Steve Steiner (listsin) < listsin@integrateddevcorp.com> wrote:
On Oct 10, 2009, at 3:18 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
What "weirdness" are you referring to?
I was just referring to the fact that the original document was not on the Twisted site so I was referring to it not being something someone else did with Twisted.
Much of the other code I'm using follows PEP-8 naming_conventions for methods and such whereas Twisted follows the Twisted Coding Standard which is a more javaCamelCase style convention.
For what it's worth, the Twisted coding standard pre-dates PEP-8 (In fact, I think it might even predate the whole PEP process). Also, Java did not invent the convention of camel-case names. My use of the convention in the early Twisted coding standard was a deliberate aping of Smalltalk's coding convention. I realize a lot more people have seen Java written this way than ST, but nevertheless ST was my inspiration for many of Twisted's conventions, coding-standard and otherwise. That particular documentation refers to 'backwards compatible' functions
using PEP-8 style attribute names while preferring the newer Twisted Coding Standard flavoured names.
Yes, before code review was consistently applied throughout the codebase, we did have a few inconsistent names slip through. Since then we've tried to update them where we've found them so everything is consistently in one style. Making the right things show up in the right order in our API documentation is a constant challenge. If you have any ideas for emphasizing the correct (i.e. non-"backwards-compatibility") names, you might want to submit a patch to pydoctor and/or Twisted's docstrings.