On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 04:05:30PM +1000, Tim Allen wrote:
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 11:49:56AM +0100, nnp wrote:
Hrm, OK....I'm not sure if I have an odd view of the world or whether supporting HTTP proxies isn't all that important. Aren't HTTP proxies fairly common in large organisations and universities?
HTTP proxies are very common; I guess nobody who's needed one has yet had time to sit down and write support.
It's not hard: #!/usr/bin/python from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web import client def got(page): print "got", repr(page) reactor.callLater(0.1, reactor.stop) def failed(err): print err.getErrorMessage() reactor.callLater(0.1, reactor.stop) class ProxyClientFactory(client.HTTPClientFactory): def setURL(self, url): # do the normal stuff client.HTTPClientFactory.setURL(self, url) # then re-set the path to be the full url self.path = url cf = ProxyClientFactory('http://www.google.com/') cf.deferred.addCallbacks(got, failed) reactor.connectTCP('wwwcache1.ic.ac.uk', 3128, cf)