Oct. 20, 2016
12:07 a.m.
On Oct 19, 2016, at 4:43 PM, Amber Hawkie Brown <hawkowl@atleastfornow.net> wrote:
One thing that I have still not figured out is how Futures (which are tightly tied to an event loop) will possibly ever work over multiple event loops. I think since you can't really chain them, this is less of a problem, but Deferreds like to absorb other Deferreds and make one big one, which would make the tight coupling problematic if you wanted to use two event loops (like, say, a GTK one and an IOCP one on Windows).
I've never seen this as a problem, because "multiple event loops" implicitly means "multiple threads"; and you really kinda need to call back a Deferred on the same event loop where it was originated. When would you want to do this? -glyph