On Oct 30, 2015, at 11:49 PM, Chris Norman <chris.norman2@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi Amber
On 31/10/2015 06:45, Amber "Hawkie" Brown wrote:
Hi Chris,
Twisted does not yet support Python 3 on Windows.
That's a shame. I've never contributed to an open source project before, but I'd be glad to try and help out. I feel I __may__ know enough Python now to certainly have a shot at it.
If you feel like you might, you definitely do :-). Often people feel like they need to be advanced rocket surgeons to work on Twisted, but in fact, our robust code-review process means that you don't have to worry about making mistakes at all. Just submit your best effort, and you'll get a code review telling you how to improve it so that it can be integrated (and you _will_ get at least one round of review: I created Twisted, and even _I_ can't usually land a patch without one or two rounds of review ;-)). Thanks for offering to help out! If everybody who wanted Python 3 support just signed on to work on a ticket like this, the port would have been finished a year ago ;-).
There's a ticket at https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8025#ticket <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8025#ticket> which makes all the tests pass on the platform; I just need to work on it some more. I expect Twisted 16.0 to have base support for Python 3 on Windows. As above, if I can help, please tell me how!
Our toolchain is a little clunky (sorry about that) for hysterical raisins. Before I launch into an explanation though, are you already familiar with Git and/or how to contribute on GitHub? -glyph