On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 01:20 PM, Gary Poster wrote:
Oh yeah, forgot about that. I've seen several discussions of the licensing on the Twisted list... Maybe Phil Eby's implementation is the only way out of that one.
The whole point of those discussions has generally been that the current structure is important to make relicensing a possibility :-). While twisted as a whole is being very actively (one might even say "agressively") developed, some portions of the framework, like the core reactor, seem to be extremely stable at this point. (Please, chime in if you disagree.) I have been considering approaching the Python team to ask about relicensing / including portions of twisted.internet in core Python at some point, since it seems to have eclipsed asyncore in terms of popularity, but I am sure that such discussions would be fraught with subtle corner cases and versioning issues, and I am very, very short on time at the moment. However, if another member of the Twisted team would like to take up this discussion, either about core Python or about Zope 3, I'd be more than willing to appoint a proxy.