On 03:07 pm, listsin@integrateddevcorp.com wrote:
I actually took a quick look at pydoctor for the first time tonight. I'm wrestling with getting a doc set together from some code that's EpyDoc, some that's Sphinx, and some that's not there at all.
What I'd like is to use Sphinx, using all of EpyDoc's nice extensions to reStructuredText (e.g. the nice :Parameters: block stuff) so I'm looking to see if anyone's already done that work for Sphinx.
Meanwhile, vis-�-vis the Twisted docs, has there been any recent discussion about moving the Twisted docs to Sphinx? I found some doc discussions way back to 2002, nothing later than 2007/8-ish, but, as far as I know, there's not particular effort underway.
If Twisted could get documented with Sphinx, while adding anything Twisted needs that Sphinx doesn't have already, it would sure be nice...and would remove one more Twisted specific tool to maintain in the Twisted toolchain, while enhancing Sphinx at the same time.
I'm having to do the pydoctor vs. Sphinx vs. EpyDoc research anyway...I'll post it somewhere public and send a link/message to the list.
This was raised in July (in a thread you posted to ;). http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2009-July/020102.html Jean-Paul