Thank you very much. That is the exact answer I wanted :)

I'm guessing maybe the tests need updating, because they seem to send use unicode data, which of course didn't make any difference in py2, but now it does.

On 01.07.2015 18:40, Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:

On 2015-07-01 05:33, Jørn Lomax wrote:

I'm a gsoc student working on the buildbot project, porting it to py3. Part of this is looking at porting the dependencies buildbot has in twisted and try to port them.

twisted.spread is the most used twisted dependency, so I have started working on this. I started working on and I have encountered a question. In dataRecieved ( A chunk is added to the buffer. On python3, how should the distinction be made between string and bytes. Buffer seems to be a string, the chunk seems to be bytes, and sometimes opposite.
Banana calls bytes "string". So if you're using banana there is only bytes support. Python 3 vs 2 doesn't matter, it's always going to be bytes.

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