El Lunes, 11 de Septiembre de 2006 23:42, Jean-Paul Calderone escribió:
I'll second this recommendation. You need root privileges on most systems to open an ICMPable socket anyway. Running your whole process as root just so you can ping some stuff is kind of unfortunate.
Thanks Jean-Paul for the reply. Yes, i'm aware of that, but in my case, I need to run my application as root anyway because im using ip_queue to filter dhcp packets, and only root can do that. So I was asking if there is any plans of expanding twisted, so a root-capable twisted application could ping the world! I have little python and twisted skills , but if there is interest I could help in the develop. Greetings, BTW, the application I'm developing (and all my work actually) is released as Free Software. If anyone is interested in having it, just mail me or wait until I put a nice-little-project page on-line. As allways: Pardon my English. -- Nicolás D. César <ncesar@lunix.com.ar> Lunix S.R.L. -[ http://www.lunix.com.ar ]- GnuPG Public Key: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 0x3606F3E6