I just tried to run some trial tests on ubuntu gutsy (twisted 2.5.0), just to get the error as in the title (full traceback below). Does anybody know what is wrong here?
AttributeError: StdioOnnaStick instance has no attribute 'isatty'
For the sake of completeness: I solved the problem. It was caused by the following line, I added to my test setup for some reason loooong time ago (well, IIRC I just wanted errors in a file for easier reading): log.startLogging(logfile.LogFile('twisted.log', logdir, 16 * 1024 * 1024)) After I removed this line, trial works again. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Marcin Kasperski | You have the right to produce quality work | http://mekk.waw.pl | at all the times. (Beck) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------