OoO Pendant le journal télévisé du dimanche 28 septembre 2008, vers 20:18, "Marc Byrd" <dr.marc.byrd@gmail.com> disait :
I would like to build a syslog(udp port 514) listener in twisted. The goal is to make it compatible with syslog and syslog-ng, which may be configured on a "client" to send log entries (as they occur) via udp (fire and forget) to a remote server (my twisted server).
Is there already something out there that would do this or that would be a good start?
Because of the simplicity of the syslog protocol, you can just use UDPServer with a protocol derived from DatagramProtocol. You just need to overload datagramReceived to do something sensible with the log line received. In short: class SyslogInput(protocol.DatagramProtocol): def datagramReceived(self, data): print "I have received %r" % data service = internet.UDPServer(514, SyslogInput()) -- I WILL NOT BRING SHEEP TO CLASS I WILL NOT BRING SHEEP TO CLASS I WILL NOT BRING SHEEP TO CLASS -+- Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 9F06