Hi, How do I fix this and actually send out new perspectives to users?
pb.Avatar is not a Referenceable object, the object which is sent when a client login is a wrapper againt the pb.Avatar object built like this: // pb.py L1327 if not IJellyable.providedBy(avatar): avatar = AsReferenceable(avatar, "perspective") So I suppose you can wrap your avatars object just like this before sending them, "OR" you can make you own implementation of "an avatar" (implementing IPerspective interface) and make it IJellyable at first place. It doesn't make sense to use the same perspective in
both games
I don't see why not personally. Your Avatar is supposed to represente a "user" after that, it is up to you to define what a "User" is for your application. If a "user" is a "physical person", so your avatar could play several games at once, your avatar could then have a list of "played games" (for examples). If your "user" is a couple of ("physical person" + "a game") so each person playing a game will represent a different "user" in the point of view of your application. etc. it would be nice to separate
the responsibilities of the user from those of the "player."
As I said the avatar or the user has the responsabilites that you will give to it. I don't think Twisted makes any asumption about that (IMHO). -- Nacim.