On Jan 29, 2015, at 12:05 PM, Clayton Daley <clayton.daley@gmail.com> wrote:
Unless Twisted loves the idea of hosting this, it might make more sense to start a TxCommons (like https://github.com/ZF-Commons <https://github.com/ZF-Commons>). This shifts the emphasis away from the Twisted and onto the Commons, including: The lower (or lack of) "core support" commitment. The Commons can still highlight "supported" projects (by the commons or outside organizations), but it's more transparent about the status relative to core. A significantly lower participation/contribution barrier that isn't interrelated with the politics (and justifiably high standards) of core. A central place to find Tx libraries that actively welcomes new additions. My twisted-pyro and twisted-mandrill are so-so examples of what I mean. If they were a little more mature, it'd be better for someone to find and improve these libraries than start over from scratch. More importantly, users would know that the project won't fragment if I'm not proactively maintaining it. They can always become an active participant in the Commons and move business along. Obviously, I relinquish that control if and when I contribute it (or the commons establishes an official fork). Clayton Daley
So, I don't mind the idea of Twisted hosting it for now, but you make a good point. The Twisted org on Github is presently hosting quite a few things, with varying degrees of association with various subsets of the core developers. Since ldaptor already moved to this org, I think we should probably just move this as well, and then move things out later once we have established a Commons org and figured out how we want to administer it. BTW: any chance of renaming those TxPyro and TxMandrill? :) -glyph