On 21/12/2007, at 5:43 PM, Chris Miles wrote:
On 21/12/2007, at 1:30 AM, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 18:23:44 +1100, Chris Miles <miles.chris@gmail.com
wrote: Thanks Jean-Paul, that worked great, with both distutils.core.setup and twisted.python.dist.setup. When I used the latter I didn't need to regenerate the plugin cache, twistd picked up the new command immediately after install. Is this the advantage of twisted.python.dist.setup ?
Not quite. twisted.python.dist is an internal module, not part of Twisted's public API. Notice this line in its docstring:
API Stability: Unstable. Don't use it outside of Twisted.
Understood. I'm happy with the solution using distutils.core.setup and forcing a plugin cache refresh.
I have documented the method I used to package my Twisted app using distutils. I used the Twisted finger tutorial as an example. http://chrismiles.livejournal.com/23399.html Hope this helps others. Cheers, Chris Miles