The log is very valuable to me for debugging, but I’d love to know how to improve the precision of the time stamp. My log shows stuff like this:
2014-01-19 12:44:37-0500 [-] 'SCPProtocol.ackNotReceived: aa23827e20547c6aca71ecfcdeb486a99fe6cf314e1b84e687296821a8ca423a'
2014-01-19 12:44:37-0500 [-] "doSCPInitiation.noResponseReceived: err=[Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'communication.scp.scp.AckReceivingFailed'>: ACKNOTRECEIVED\n]"
2014-01-19 12:44:37-0500 [-]
From calling twisted.python.log.msg( “stuff to log” )
How can I change the time in the logged message to get, say, milliseconds resolution?