On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 09:33:52PM -0600, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 11:48:54PM -0600, Kevin Turner wrote:
protocols/irc.py: An exception in the server isn't a reason to drop the client, right?
IMHO, it is. If the protocol isn't specifically designed to deal with exceptions (For example, dynamic web content or PB protocol exceptions) then it's undefined behavior and the connection should be dropped. Bot behavior should be implemented in a layer above the IRC protocol, if there is a place for a catch-all exception handler.
Thanks for the comments. There's an encapsulation problem highligthed here, let me see if I can un-mire my head from the turkey gravy well enough to explain it. This probably won't flow as well as it should, but hopefully I'll get all the pieces written down here. That change was to protocols.irc.IRC.dataReceived(), irc.IRC being the server-oriented side of the IRC client/server protocol. The 'try' block I added surrounds the call to the dispatch method. By this point, the data received has already been parsed as an IRC command. If anything goes wrong after this, I wouldn't consider it to be an error in the client/server IRC protocol (or protocol.irc.IRC), but rather an error in the application (substitue a more specific word if you can find one) that's on the receiving end of that protocol. I should explain here what triggered this patch: Setting: twisted.words, with a words.ircservice server as it comes with by default. The ircservice is in the same process as the words service. I've also added a tendril to the service, also in the same process. 1) radix logs on to the irc service. On the server side, he's represented by a words.ircservice.IRCChatter, a subclass of the irc.IRC server protocol. 2) radix says "hi". This triggers Protocol.dataReceived, which dispatches the message to IRCChatter.irc_PRIVMSG. 3) IRCChatter.irc_PRIVMSG invokes the groupMessage of its correspoding Participant (Perspective) instance. 4) Participant invokes the sendMessage method of one of the service's Groups. 5) The Group, in turn, calls receiveGroupMessage on its subscribing Participants. 6) One of the subscribing Participants is Tendril's. Tendril-Participant invokes receiveGroupMessage on its client, a TendrilClient implementing the WordsClientInterface. 7) Oops -- I screwed up. TendrilClient.receiveGroupMessage raises an exception. The exception is passed to Tendril's participant, letting it know that its client didn't get this OK. The Tendril participant lets the exception pass on to the Group, letting the Group know that sending the message to this participant has failed. The Group lets the exception through to radix's Participant, letting him know that something went wrong while performing the action he ordered. His Participant lets the exception pass back to IRCChatter.irc_PRIVMSG, as the command failed. Since IRCChatter.irc_PRIVMSG had an error carrying out the command, the exception goes back to its caller... the IRCChatter(IRC(Protocol)).dataReceived method. So an error occoured when calling Protocol.dataReceived, the receiving method for radix's-irc-client's-tcp-connection-selectable, When internet.main.doSelect finds out, it busts the selectable, and kills the TCP connection to radix's IRC client. Clearly, the wrong guy took the fall for this one. So what *should* have happened? First note that there are some irregularites in this process which are contrary to what a PB service (e.g. Words) assumes. Normally, the relation between Perspective and its client is a remote one, 'client' being the referenceable that the perspective has .attached(). But here the clients on both ends, tendril.TendrilClient and ircservice.IRCChatter, are local references. When you start out with event-based programming, you get bit when you assume a call is synchronous when it's not. When you've worked with Twisted too long, you get bit when you assume an action is asynchronous and it turns out to be synchronous. Both steps 3 and 6 "should" have happened asynchronously. Since asynchronous calls "don't really happen now", your program works on the assumption that it is going to carry on normal operations, leaving any worries about what may or may not have happened "over there" until later. Here, that assumption was violated. Stopping here feels unfinished, but I've got to go digest some more. *belch*ing-ly yours, - Kevin -- The moon is first quarter, 50.2% illuminated, 7.4 days old.