April 27, 2003
2:10 p.m.
Attached is a patch to twisted.enterprise.row, the sqlreflector, and util.py to allow mixed-case table/row names (and to double-quote them in databases that require it, such as postgres). I sent this a while back with a detailed explanation, but have now developed some docs on the web at http://gnubia.net/Docs/Twisted.Gnubia/ detailing some of my changes.. Oh yeh and.. erm.. Itamar told me to re-send on irc a few min ago.. This stuff may need to be cleaned up, and I've considered separating some of it out into a PGRow or somesuch, the way that I (and someone else on the list) am using a PGSQLReflector to do some postgres-specific stuff. suggestions / criticism / flames welcome -j