Thanks Craig shall follow up. Thanks, Jabir \|/ ------- ( o o ) oooO---O---Oooonull From: <crodr001@gmail.com<mailto:crodr001@gmail.com>> on behalf of Craig Rodrigues <rodrigc@crodrigues.org<mailto:rodrigc@crodrigues.org>> Date: Monday, 27 March 2017 9:38 pm To: Twisted general discussion <twisted-python@twistedmatrix.com<mailto:twisted-python@twistedmatrix.com>> Cc: "security@twistedmatrix.com<mailto:security@twistedmatrix.com>" <security@twistedmatrix.com<mailto:security@twistedmatrix.com>>, "twisted-python-bounces@twistedmatrix.com<mailto:twisted-python-bounces@twistedmatrix.com>" <twisted-python-bounces@twistedmatrix.com<mailto:twisted-python-bounces@twistedmatrix.com>>, jabir mohammed <jamohamm@cisco.com<mailto:jamohamm@cisco.com>> Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] Regarding the SHA 512 support in twisted. On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 2:33 AM, jabir Mohammed (jamohamm) <jamohamm@cisco.com<mailto:jamohamm@cisco.com>> wrote: Can somebody help me to plot this fix so that twisted will work fine with all the other servers out there and even make it comply to the RFC. Thanks in advance and this will be my first findings on twisted code ;). Please let me know in case of any doubt on the same. Code changes should be plotted in to the routine _getKey, file name is src/twisted/conch/ssh/transport.py . Please help me with this commit team. You need to follow the procedure at: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedDevelopment#SubmittingaPatch That will give you all the details you need about filing a new ticket in Trac, forking the repository on GitHub, doing a GitHub pull request, etc. If you need more help, you should ask Einar Floystad Dorum, who works at Cisco and has filed multiple Conch patches for Twisted: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Aeinarfd+is%3Aclo... -- Craig