Is reactor.iterate[1] sufficient for this?
Well, it does not stop time, and also calls runUntilCurrent. I guess one should come up with a substitute for time.time in t.i.base (at least), that would allow to manipulate (fake) time at will. Also, some means to display the event queue is needed, including the delays for each event. Come to think of it, is there a way in Twisted to schedule an event at an absolute time, instead of at a relative one? - -- "It seems like Zope has done a dance with Twisted but still hasn't asked it out on a date." Paul Everitt Nicola Larosa - nico@tekNico.net -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE/KNEPXv0hgDImBm4RAimdAJ4s8PWHqWSMqCjnvcaqJChANcCULgCguOPT duew65Z064oPnTJ1euBg4Y0= =kExV -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----