Hi Jean-Paul,

I guess my focus is right when it comes to redirecting clients.

Im hooking into

DNSDatagramProtocol.writeMessage(self, message, address):

And I guess thats OK?

But when it comes to bogus domains, I guess i could use:

DNSServerFactory.gotResolverError(self, failure, protocol, message, address):

My problem is now how I construct a redirect package and channel it back to the client.

Do you think that is a sensible approach? -and do you hava a pointer on how to find the associated client.

kind regards


2009/10/22 <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com>
On 02:46 pm, jesper@taxboel.dk wrote:
>Hi Jean-Paul,
>Thanx for your nice reply. My problem seems to be that I dont get any
>to writemessage when the domain is a bogus one?

It's not immediately obvious why this would be.  writeMessage is called
to write responses back to your clients.  If the requests your server
issues get answers, then writeMessage will be called with those answers.
If it's not being called, perhaps the problem is that your server's
requests are being answered by the servers it is asking.


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