On Mon, 23 May 2005 22:08:43 +1000, James Bunton <james@delx.cjb.net> wrote:
Well, I got it to work properly now :)
It's now uses the epoll edge triggered flag, and doesn't chew 99% CPU like the first one accidentally did.
Neat. There has been a level-triggered epoll reactor in my sandbox for some time, but I was never able to get the edge triggered version to work. Hmm, running the Twisted test suite with this version doesn't do too well either. A few tests fail here and there before it gets totally wedged on twisted.test.test_pb.ConnectionTestCase.testIdentityConnector. You can try this yourself by adding an entry for this reactor to the dictionary at the top of twisted.application.app, then running "trial -R -r epoll twisted", where "epoll" is the key you add to that dict. Jp