On 05:58 pm, bradley.s.gaspard@saic.com wrote:
I am trying to write a TCP client that at regular intervals connects to a server makes a request and then closes the connection.
Your code has a fatal problem. Nowhere are you actually creating a client connection, you're just creating protocol objects and not hooking them up to anything! I've whipped up a quick periodic ping/pong client/server pair for you here, which should provide a useful starting point for you. The key thing is the call to the ClientCreator's 'connectTCP' method, which actually hooks up an instantiated PingSender to a socket. -------- cut from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientCreator, Factory from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall from twisted.internet import reactor class PingResponder(Protocol): buf = '' def dataReceived(self, data): self.buf += data if self.buf == 'PING': print 'PONGED!' self.transport.write('PONG') self.transport.loseConnection() class PingSender(Protocol): buf = '' def connectionMade(self): self.transport.write("PING") def dataReceived(self, data): self.buf += data def connectionLost(self, reason): print "PONGED WITH: " +self.buf def client(): cc = ClientCreator(reactor, PingSender) def dontDelay(): cc.connectTCP('localhost', 4321) lc = LoopingCall(dontDelay) lc.start(0.5) def server(): pf = Factory() pf.protocol = PingResponder svr = reactor.listenTCP(4321, pf) import sys if sys.argv[1] == 'client': client() else: server() reactor.run()