Hi everyone, If you've ever had your password eaten by our Trac instance, had your comment rejected by spambayes, or seen the amount of effort it takes removing random nulls from our htpasswd files, rejoice! With https://github.com/twisted-infra/braid/pull/192 , we are moving our Trac instance to log in using GitHub OAuth. This should mean we solve the issue of keeping passwords (making you and us more secure), being able to turn off the spam filter (as we don't have anonymous ticket submittal, and github is better at catching spammers than we are), and hopefully cause less ongoing issues with passwords suddenly not working. What this means for you is that your username and password will no longer work for logging into our Trac, you will need to authorise your GitHub login to access it. This means that you may have another username, please contact me privately and I will see what I can do about migrating any ticket histories over, if you feel like it is needed. - Amber