My PyGTA presentation from a few months ago tries to provide some background on what asynchronous programming in Twisted is. It contrasts asynchronous programming models with various other approaches to parallelising code: http://www.vrplumber.com/programming/twistedlowlevel05.pdf In short, Twisted represents one of many possible approaches to the problem of "waiting in parallel", that is, multiplexing events so that while a given process is blocked on (for instance) input/output/network operations, other operations can continue. Good luck, Mike praba mosas wrote:
Dear All,
I want to know about the following concept "Asynchronous networked applications". Actuall meaning of twisted. " it is a framework for Asynchronous networked applications ". So I want to know specially about Asynchronous networked applications. If anybody know regarding this please clear doubts with small example. I have confusion regarding this.
regards Prabahar
________________________________________________ Mike C. Fletcher Designer, VR Plumber, Coder http://www.vrplumber.com http://blog.vrplumber.com