What about coding the DB parts against the Python DB API Spec. 2.0? (http://www.python.org/topics/database/DatabaseAPI-2.0.html)
I'm considering using Twisted for a news/portal site in a similar style to Slashdot. Glyph told me that there's been some discussion about creating a Twisted package along these lines. I couldn't find anything in the archives; has anyone started work on such a thing?
Hm.. There have been a few attempts at a weblog, and the most recent one was just removed from CVS for lack of maintenance. The only hurdle I can see for creating a good blog system (utilizing WebWidgets etc) would be lack of decent database support in Twisted. There is glyph's adbapi module, which is an async interface to dbapi, but I'm not sure how useful it would be (note that I have very little experience with dbs). Anyway, if you do decide to do this, give me a holler and I'll help out.