David Stainton <dstainton415@gmail.com> writes:
Ah ha! Of course it is so obvious now that you point it out to me. The onion endpoint parser can do this setup work in it's `listen` method which returns a `Deferred`. Thanks for your observation/advice!
Cool! Thanks for doing this. Can I pull it into txtorcon when it's finished? Also (more from the Tor end), someone specifying a service will also want to specify the keys for that service. Following the 'ssl' stuff, I guess something like "onion:80:hiddenServiceDir=/dev/shm/foo" might be appropriate? Or perhaps even a way to specify the private key directly? ...and to bikeshed a bit, what about "anontcp:" as a prefix? Then for client-side strings, it could look similar (e.g. "anontcp:encrypted.google.com:443") which could in worst-case launch a new tor instance, wait for it to bootstrap etc in connect(). Perhaps "looking similar" is a non-feature, though :) Another point for this is that "someday" tor will have UDP support... thanks, meejah