Hi Vasil I use something along the code below whoch serves dual purpose, use it with twistd -noy xxx.tac and also python xxx.tac. I was undecided almost a year ago whether I should use config files too, but then found that the .tac files work great as config files too. I mainly develop on MSW XP and Vista and routinely deploy to OpenBSD. HTH, Werner PS: some refs in the code are generalized import sys, os, gc from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from twisted.application import service, strports, internet from twisted.cred import portal, credentials, checkers from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor #from twisted.conch import manhole, manhole_ssh from twisted.python import log from nevow import appserver, inevow from theproject import web, i18n, plugin, ourguard if sys.platform != 'win32': import psyco psyco.full() UID = 67 GID = 67 os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/tmp' DB_DRIVER = "MySQLdb" DB_ARGS = { 'host': 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', 'db': 'somedb', 'user': 'someuser', 'passwd': 'somepwd', 'cp_reconnect': True } application = service.Application("appname") print print 'available userstores:' for userstore in plugin.userstores(): print userstore.name UserstoreName = 'dbonly' #UserstoreName = 'memonly' [Userstore] = [x for x in plugin.userstores() if x.name == UserstoreName] print 'selected: %s' % Userstore.name userstore = Userstore(DB_DRIVER, **DB_ARGS) #additional style locations to be put into second arg, third arg is #redirect to in case of not knowing where to go theportal = portal.Portal(web.Realm(web.Root('style_loc', [], 'www.google.com'), userstore)) theportal.registerChecker(checkers.AllowAnonymousAccess(), credentials.IAnonymous) thersrc = ourguard.TheSessionWrapper(theportal, mindFactory=web.Mind) site = appserver.NevowSite(thersrc) webserver = strports.service("tcp:7999", site) webserver.setServiceParent(application) def main(): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) reactor.listenTCP(7999, site) #start only the web svc when debugging reactor.run() ## print gc.get_objects() if __name__ == '__main__': main() ## import cProfile, pstats ## p = cProfile.Profile() ## p.run('main()') ## s = pstats.Stats(p) ## s.strip_dirs() ## s.sort_stats('call', 'cum', 'name').print_stats().print_callers() Vasil Vangelovski wrote:
Which is the simplest way to put a service under and application to listen on a port and behave similarly to the way it behaves when run with twistd -noy script.tac but directly from a standard python module? Lets assume I don't have access to the tac command and want to emulate the behaveour.
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