On 4/3/07, robomancer <robomancer@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm looking to use Twisted for distributing computation over a small number (~10) of PCs. I'm wondering if anyone else has some experience with this -- particularly if there is already a solution out there that I can use, so that I'm not reinventing the wheel. Here's a rough outline of what I'd like:
[...] http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/Parallel_Computing If you give us until next week, things will be cleaner. We're in the middle of transitioning from our first dev branch ('chainsaw') into the one that will become the stable development line ('saw'). Both can be checked out, but saw will, in a few days, be "released" for regular work (albeit still considered to be a development system). It's all Twisted-based, and help/contributions from other devs will be obviously welcome. Cheers, f