On 5 Jul, 05:51 pm, adi@roiban.ro wrote:
I have been using Twisted for about 6 months and looking for ways in which I could help the project.
I just read the announcement and I would like to volunteer for one of the Twisted jobs.
I am familiar with bzr and git and for the beginning I would like to start with maintaining the version control mirrors (bzr and git) and if this will not consume all my free time, I would also like to take care of buildbot master and slaves (or some other job that you consider is more important).
Beside the job description, I was thinking that creating repositories mirrors on Github/Gitorious could be useful. The Launchpad BZR mirror seems to be functional.
Hoping that I can be useful, please let know if my application is accepted.
Hi Adi, Thanks for volunteering. It seems like the git mirror is well in hand. Perhaps you could take on just the bzr mirror for now. The buildbot related jobs are also still open. :) Send me a private email, or find me on Freenode, and we'll talk more about the details. Thanks! Jean-Paul