I've been googling if there is any 'ICMP ping' support in Twisted. I've encounter ancient replies: http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2003-August/005542.html I wonder if today is any ICMP support. I've tried to search the source tree[1], and doesn't seem. My actual needs is creating a DeferredList with "ping-testers" for different IPs, just to check if there up or not. I know I can end up using twisted.internet.utils.getProcessOutput and calling ping, as I would normally do from command line. For other newbies as me in the same situation please read: http://twistedmatrix.com/users/moshez/talk.html and search for 'getProcessOutput' ;-) Greetings, [1] my search was: -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ grep -C3 -ir icmp * internet/protocol.py- internet/protocol.py- internet/protocol.py-class AbstractDatagramProtocol: internet/protocol.py: """Abstract protocol for datagram-oriented transports, e.g. IP, ICMP, ARP, UDP.""" internet/protocol.py- internet/protocol.py- transport = None internet/protocol.py- numPorts = 0 -- internet/protocol.py- def connectionRefused(self): internet/protocol.py- """Called due to error from write in connected mode. internet/protocol.py- internet/protocol.py: Note this is a result of ICMP message generated by *previous* internet/protocol.py- write. internet/protocol.py- """ internet/protocol.py- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Nicolás D. César <ncesar@lunix.com.ar> Lunix S.R.L. -[ http://www.lunix.com.ar ]- GnuPG Public Key: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 0x3606F3E6