Hi, For the record. A new version was released and the docs at https://docs.twisted.org/en/stable/index.html should now be fixed. Regards On Wed, 25 Oct 2023 at 10:44, Adam Wilkinson <awilkinson@eddyfi.com> wrote:
Thanks very much Adi.
Applications Expert, LRUT
T +44.(0).1223.627255 x85118
*From:* Adi Roiban <adiroiban@gmail.com> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 24, 2023 11:03 PM *To:* Twisted general discussion <twisted@python.org>; Adam Wilkinson < awilkinson@eddyfi.com> *Subject:* Re: [Twisted] Fwd: twisted.org latest/stable/23.8.0 docs have gone wrong
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Thanks for the info.
I think the issue is now fixed in the "latest" version of the docs.
It should have been fixed via https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/12013
A new release is needed to move the fix to "stable"
I will try to push a new release soon.
Note that anyone can pick up the hat of the release manager and push a release branch.
There should be documentation for the process and the publishing to pypi read the docs is automated.
So if anyone has some free time to help with making new twisted/twisted releases, I would be happy to help and pass the role.
Kind regards
On Tue, 24 Oct 2023, 21:07 meejah, <meejah@meejah.ca> wrote:
Attempting to post the below message on behalf of Adam.
(I have also recently noticed issues with the "source" links being to the wrong line-number, reported in #twisted)
----- Original message -----
From: Adam Wilkinson <awilkinson@eddyfi.com>
To: "meejah@meejah.ca" <meejah@meejah.ca>
Subject: FW: twisted.org latest/stable/23.8.0 docs have gone wrong
Date: Tuesday, 10 October 2023 04:37
Hi Meejah,
I wonder if you would be kind enough to direct this to the right person? I’m finding it impossible to email anyone associated with Twisted – I’ve tried twisted@python.org and twisted-owner@python.org (and the addresses below) and I’ve tried posting but it all fails.
Applications Expert, LRUT
T +44.(0).1223.627255 x85118
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*From: Adam Wilkinson Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 11:43 AM To: webmaster@twisted.org; webmaster@twistedmatrix.com Subject: twisted.org latest/stable/23.8.0 docs have gone wrong <https://hubs.la/Q01LYwb80>*
Hi Guys, <https://hubs.la/Q01LYwb80>
*https://docs.twisted.org/en/twisted-22.10.0/* seems to work fine, in particular searches and the version selection in the bottom left hand corner of the page. <https://hubs.la/Q01LYwb80>
Searches and version selection on *https://docs.twisted.org/en/twisted-23.8.0/* or *https://docs.twisted.org/en/latest/* or * https://docs.twisted.org/en/stable/* do not work. <https://hubs.la/Q01LYwb80>
Good luck and thanks for the amazing software! <https://hubs.la/Q01LYwb80>
Cheers, <https://hubs.la/Q01LYwb80>
*Adam WILKINSON, PhD <https://hubs.la/Q01LYwb80>*
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-- Adi Roiban