On Oct 13, 2020, at 4:26 PM, Adi Roiban <adi@roiban.ro> wrote:
Thanks. So you need to be logged with github account and not your normal Azure/Devops account. I guess most of us are connected to Azure using the Azure AD account.
I was not expecting to see "Login via Github" on the MS login page.
After the Github login, the github re-run works. It automatically re-runs all the failed tests...not only a single job.
After reading this I tried for like 20 minutes to try and figure out what microsoft is doing when I "log in"; it seems it's figured out my azure account is my github account, I could have sworn I had 2 but now I only have 1. Not sure how one gets into this situation though, and the fact that large parts of the MS / live.com <http://live.com/> auth stack are just broken (right now the logout button doesn't work at all, I have to delete all my cookies) makes this tricky to debug. So I'm giving up now :). -g