2008/9/5 David Reid <dreid@dreid.org>
Hi Henrik, Patches to Paisley would be greatly appreciated.
Will you accept a switch to web2, otherwise there is very little point to it. Otherwise the patch kit needs to look like this: Proper producer/consumer infrastructure in twisted Integrate the above in twisted.web along with http 1.1 response codes, and request pipelining. Some patches to paisley, which would be quite small compared to the other. Sorry, but it is not that simple :-) Please file tickets about making twisted.web support the HTTP/1.1 features
you need, this is the best way to get that support into Paisley.
See my response to JP.
It just saddens me to see a 3rd couchdb python client library spring up. 2 is bad enough but one being asynchronous and one being synchronous means it can't really be helped. Paisley development hasn't stopped it just hasn't really needed much work.
Without getting into some large discussion here, I think that some diversity is actually a good thing. Of course it is no use having several half implementations lying around (the python community excels at this :-)), than having a single working library. However. the interface of couchdb is simple enough that a full client library can be written rather fast. This is not sad, but very nice :-). -- - Henrik