On 4 Feb, 09:16 pm, ssteinerx@gmail.com wrote:
While I see tickets in the tracker for web2 and others for web, I couldn't find a 'cherry pick' list of things to be moved from web2 back into web.
Is there one?
Not really. It'd be great to have such a list. Any time anyone brings up their use of web2, I ask them what features it provides that caused them to select it or prevent them from switching to Twisted Web. One answer that a lot of people give is streaming access to uploads (which Twisted Web indeed makes very inconvenient now). There's a ticket for this, #288. The other answers people tend to give are "I don't know" or "nothing in particular". Sometimes they also say "HTTP/1.1 support", but when further questioned about this, they can't actually explain what that means. So, the list of tickets for Web2 -> Web "backporting" seems to currently be: - #288 Jean-Paul