I had got the same problem using '-r epoll' options when starting the app via twistd... When 1024 descriptors are opened, I can see 100% CPU.
On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 17:42 +0200, Juan Antonio Ibañez Santorum wrote:You can also switch to using the "poll" reactor, which will allow you to
> Hello!
> I have a Linux box serving my twisted app. All works ok except
> after some days running (where I can see my CPU going to 100%). I saw
> that CPU goes 100% usage when the app reaches to 1024 opened
> descriptors (sockets).
sustain more than 1024 connections. You should still figure out what is
keeping your connections open and find a way to reap them however, as
this will just delay the problem. As Glyph suggested an application
level "ping" may help here.
In the mean-time you can switch to the poll reactor by adding "-r poll"
to your twistd command.
Best Regards,
Luke Marsden
CTO, Hybrid Logic Ltd.
Web: http://www.hybrid-cluster.com/
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