On Apr 24, 2015, at 03:10, Adi Roiban <adi@roiban.ro> wrote:
On 3 April 2015 at 01:43, <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
On 2 Apr, 12:37 pm, adi@roiban.ro wrote:
I would like suggest the following changes regarding the way repos are organized in GitHub.
Move all twisted-infra repos into Twisted organization.. and maybe merge many twisted-infra repos into braid.
Move treq, klein, txmongo, filepath... divmod projects into a new organization dedicated to projects which are part of Twisted ecosystem. Any project which imports Twisted can be part of it.
What do you say?
Perhaps you can explain why someone would want to do this. As is, it sounds like a lot of busy work that, at best, will confuse and disrupt people. If you explain what benefit would come from making this change, maybe it will be easier to see why it's a good idea.
The goal is for Twisted developers to monitor a single organization.
Right now, if I check all issues [1] or pull request from Twisted organization I have filter a lot of repos.
When wearing the Twisted core dev hat I should only care about twisted / twistedcheckers / twisted-dev-tools / news-builder / pydoctor.
Why should I care about txmongo or need to create a custom filter to exclude such projects?
As a twisted core dev I should also care for the twisted-infra since it its results are used by every dev.
[1] https://github.com/issues?user=twisted <https://github.com/issues?user=twisted>
Many developers don't care about working on the tooling themselves either. Why should they have to create a custom filter rather than you? This is not to be dismissive of your interest in our development tooling. The fact that you are working on maintaining it is of great benefit to all other twisted developers, but the reason it is of great benefit is expressly because they do not have to care so much about it any more :). The idea behind the current structure is that the twisted org includes application code that users use, so if a user looks at it they get a coherent listing of things (including twisted itself) that they might want to use. The infra repository lists tools that we use to develop twisted, not things that users would be interested in downloading themselves, unless they want to develop another project like Twisted (which is quite a different thing from _using_ twisted or its ecosystem). In any case, while I hate to say this because, again, it sounds really dismissive, it sounds to me like you need to configure your github client somehow to match your personal tastes, rather than restructure the project to accommodate them. The alternative sounds like a terrible confusing mess to me for first-time contributors and new users, and I think they are inherently less able to create filters and customize their experience, so they should see the orgs as they are presently. (There may still be some call for an "ecosystem" repository; I don't know how many Twisted developers really care about txmongo at all. But I think it's nice to see so much ecosystem stuff in one place.) -glyph