On Nov 17, 2015, at 2:49 AM, Cory Benfield <cory@lukasa.co.uk> wrote:
Generally speaking in Twisted we could achieve this too, by careful use of Deferreds.
I have a bigger reply coming; however, I should note that this is basically what web2 did with its IStream interface. While this has a big advantage over the status quo (i.e. "not solving the problem") the _way_ it solved the problem ended up being both (A) error prone, and (B) slow. It's the sort of slowness that PyPy doesn't even help mitigate, because all the callbacks are heap-allocated, and... to be honest I don't even fully understand it, but I have experimentally verified that it's still pretty slow :-). This is more or less the reason that Tubes exists, although more on how we might proceed either with or without tube in another message... -glyph