On Wednesday 31 December 2003 04:58 pm, JD wrote:
I'm open for suggestions on where I can put my customized code. I seem to have a choice between putting it in the "factory" or in the "protocol", and I cannot seem to decide where the best place would be.
Since this is IRC you shouldn't go issuing commands until your signed on, thus the signedOn method of your protocol would be the right place.
My application is simple..... here is all it should do....
1) establish a connection to an IRC server. 2) send an IRC command, like a "who" command, and extract the info 3) then exit the client
I could put my code in the IRCClient's "connectionMade" method. Or I could put it in the factory's "startedConnecting" method. The code would be simple, issue a "who" command, and take it's output and return it. So, in my connectionMade method I would issue the command... then call reactor.stop() which would exit from my reactor.run().
I think the factory's "startedConnecting" might get called first, then somewhere down in this mess, the Client would call me back with the "connectionMade", and I could do it there. I just need to know the appropriate place to put my code. None of these examples in the 'examples' directories make this clear.
My next task is to know how to extract the 'who' data back from my initial "who"
Yeah, it's not obvious how to do that. I'll send another mail when I've a chance to test something, but New Years is coming up right now... :)
The ONLY callback I see is the "action()" method, where it has the "msg" as the argument. Is that the one I sub-class to read back the result of the "who"?
No. An ACTION in IRC terms is a user doing an /me.
Which I assume is called back from a deferred.
There are a number of other callbacks for the private messages and such. Which one do I use? When testing the code, I'm not getting any callbacks to the "action()" method. Is this because something else is fucked up.
Yeah, your code.
I don't suppose anyone on this last has an Mac OS-X system, do they? If so, I would love to establish a VIOP meeting if anyone has the time to help me out. My "iChat" AIM handle is 'jdcrunchman'
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